Have a restful night's sleep with the BugScents™ Sentry bed bug detector.
Perfect for holidaymakers and business people staying in hotels, or people worried about bed bugs in their home.
Simply place the detector at the head end of the bed to check for unwanted bed guests, or pop it into your luggage to check for bed bugs whilst travelling.

Natural attractant
Reusable, portable
How to assemble BugScents™ Sentry
Watch this short video for a step-by-step assembly guide

Everything you need to know about bed bugs
How to identify a bedbug:
They are small, flat, oval shaped and reddish-brown in colour, wingless and about the size of an apple pip.
Signs of an infestation include small blood stains on mattresses or furniture, and a sweet, musty odour.
How do bed bugs spread?
Bed bugs can enter homes and hotels by hitching a ride on used furniture, bags, and clothing.
They are adept at hiding in small crevices and during the daytime they are normally hidden away, under mattresses, furniture and even behind skirting boards, making them difficult to detect and eliminate.
Left untreated, they are likely to multiply. Early detection using BugScents™ Sentry is therefore extremely important.

How to avoid unwanted hitchhikers
Preventing bed bug infestations involves practical measures:

Early detection is key:
Detect bed bugs early with our detector BugScents™ Sentry.

Avoid placing or leaving clothing and bags on the floor or on the bed.

Keep your luggage zipped up and off the floor.

If you have bed bugs in your home, bug sprays may not be enough to eradicate bed bugs. It is recommended to use a professional pest controller.

Don't worry about bed bugs!
Most hotel rooms are free from bed bugs, and there’s no need to worry excessively about them. Importantly, bed bugs do not transmit diseases. If you notice bites, particularly during the warmer months, they are likely from mosquitoes rather than bed bugs.
However, bed bugs are becoming more widespread and concerns about bed bugs can affect sleep quality. Plus, you don’t want to take them home with you!
Have a restful night's sleep with the BugScents™ Sentry bed bug detector.
What if you find bed bugs in the detector?
If you aren’t sure whether the insect you’ve found is a bed bug, send us a picture and we’ll let you know
for sure: support@bugscents.com.
If you are in a hotel, tell reception or housekeeping and ask to move room.
If you are at home, contact a professional pest controller with bed bug experience to visit.
Please note: Our inbox is monitored, but response times may be longer than usual during the holiday season. Thank you for your patience!