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Case Study: Newham Council

Tackling Persistent Bed Bug Infestations with BugScents™ Sentry Pro


The Challenge


A property comprising 26 flats, with communal lounge and dining areas, faced a persistent bed bug problem for over 18 months. The infestation was not confined to a single location but reoccurred sporadically in different flats. Communal spaces posed significant challenges for treatment due to their open layout, which could not be effectively sealed off.


BugScents™ Sentry Pro was introduced and four areas in the building were actively being treated:


  • One flat experienced intermittent activity for six months.

  • Another flat had recurring issues for 12 months.

  • A third flat dealt with a recent infestation for four weeks.

  • A staff bedroom was also undergoing treatment for new activity.


Investigations revealed that two residents from the infested f lats regularly used the shared lounge and dining areas, potentially contributing to the spread.


Surprising Findings Post-Treatment


After completing treatment, BugScents™ Sentry Pro units detected 70 bed bugs during follow-up inspections. The majority were early-stage nymphs, which prior monitors and visual inspections had failed to detect.


This unexpected discovery highlighted the importance of early detection and monitoring. In one flat, no signs of live activity were found through previous methods, yet the BugScents™ Sentry Pro confirmed the presence of bed bugs. These findings led to a revised approach to monitoring, disproving earlier assumptions that a resident was introducing bugs from outside the property.


Key Insights


The results demonstrated several important lessons about bed bug control:


  • The Complexity of Detection: Early-stage nymphs are difficult to detect and can persist post-treatment, leading to “false clear” visits.

  • Resident Bite Responses: Some individuals do not exhibit signs of bed bug bites, complicating reliance on residents’ reports for infestation status.

  • Monitoring and Confidence: Effective detection tools like BugScents™ Sentry Pro provide pest control teams with greater confidence, reducing unnecessary revisits and failed treatments.


Performance of BugScents™ Sentry Pro


Compared to previous detection tools, BugScents™ Sentry Pro proved highly effective and user-friendly. While installation takes slightly longer (minutes versus seconds per trap) the improved accuracy and reduced need for follow ups outweighed this drawback. Fewer traps were needed overall, ensuring time efficiency across treatments.


Future Implementation


As part of Newham Council’s pest control services for private sheltered accommodations, LNPS plans to roll out BugScents™ Sentry Pro units across all properties. This approach aims to standardize effective monitoring and treatment, ensuring better outcomes for residents and communal living spaces.


Advice for Other Councils and Property Managers


  • Holistic Monitoring: Effective monitoring across entire buildings, not just individual units, is crucial for addressing bed bug infestations comprehensively.

  • Reassessing Assumptions: Past reliance on resident reports or inadequate detection tools can lead to misdiagnosed infestations. Up-to-date solutions like BugScents™ Sentry Pro help uncover hidden issues.

  • Proactive Approach: Swift detection and thorough treatment can restore communal areas to “safe” status, preventing further spread.


This case underscores the transformative role of innovative detection solutions in overcoming persistent pest challenges, ensuring healthier living environments for all residents.

Arctech Innovation Limited         
The Cube, Londoneast-uk Business & Technical Park, 
Yew Tree Avenue, Dagenham, RM10 7FN United Kingdom 



Phone:              +44 (0) 203 105 3522 

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